Student Life » High School

High School

UAI's Partnership with New York University Tandon School of Engineering

UAI has partnered with the prestigious NYU Tandon School of Engineering for more than 15 years. UAI students in the 10th and 11th grade are eligible to take a college level course at the NYU Tandon Downtown Campus taught by NYU Professors. This year 10th graders are eligible to take an Engineering and Technology Forum and 11th graders are eligible to take an Intro to Engineering Course.

You can view NYU's Intro to Engineering Syllabus HERE.


Taking a college-level course on a college campus can provide high school students with valuable academic, personal, and professional experiences that can set them up for future success. Here are just a few of the key advantages:


 Academic Challenge

  • High school students can engage with more challenging material, helping them develop critical thinking, problem-solving skills, and a deeper understanding of the subject.
  • Preparation for College: Exposure to college-level coursework helps students transition more smoothly into full-time college studies, as they become familiar with the pace and expectations of higher education.

College Experience

  • Campus Exposure: Attending classes on a college campus allows high school students to experience college life firsthand. This can include using college facilities like libraries, labs, and study spaces, as well as interacting with college professors and students.
  • Increased Independence: College courses typically require more self-discipline and time management. High school students gain independence and responsibility, which are crucial skills for succeeding in college.
Enhanced College Applications
  • Competitive Edge: Successfully completing college-level courses can strengthen a student’s college application, demonstrating their ability to handle rigorous academic work.
  • Showcasing Initiative: It highlights a student’s initiative and motivation to go beyond the standard high school curriculum, which is often viewed positively by college admissions committees.

 Exploration of Interests

  • Subject Exploration: College courses can offer high school students the chance to explore subjects not typically offered in their high school curriculum, helping them discover their academic and career interests early.
  • Informed Decision-Making: By experiencing college-level work in a specific field, students can make more informed decisions about their intended major or career path.


 Networking Opportunities

  • Connections with Professors and Peers: Taking a college course allows students to start building relationships with college professors and like-minded peers, which can be valuable for future academic and professional opportunities.
  • Mentorship: Access to college faculty can provide students with mentorship opportunities that can guide their educational and career choices.


 Boosted Confidence

  • Proving Capabilities: Successfully navigating college-level work can boost a student’s confidence in their academic abilities, making them feel more prepared for the challenges of college.
  • Resilience and Growth: Facing and overcoming the challenges of a college course can contribute to personal growth and resilience, important traits for success in higher education and beyond.
 UAI's Goal of Empowering our High School Students With Multiple Avenues to obtain College Credits 
Click on the links below to learn more about UAI's College Credit Options for our High School Students

CUNY- LINCT (Lessons in Navigating College Transition) to Success

CUNY LINCT to Success (Lessons in Navigating College Transition) is a program designed to support high school students in their transition to college. The program is part of the City University of New York (CUNY) system and aims to prepare students for college-level coursework and the overall college experience, ensuring that they are college-ready by the time they graduate from high school.


Key Features of CUNY LINCT to Success:

  1. College Readiness Curriculum:

    • The program offers a curriculum focused on developing the skills necessary for success in college. This includes academic skills like critical reading, writing, and math, as well as college knowledge such as navigating the application process, financial aid, and understanding college culture.
  2. Support for UAI Students:

    • Students receive personalized support from instructors and advisors who help them identify and overcome potential barriers to college success. This includes help with academic challenges as well as guidance on the social and emotional aspects of transitioning to college.
  3. College Bridge Program:

    • LINCT includes a "college bridge" component, which provides continued support during the transition from high school to college. This can include summer programs, ongoing advising, and connections to college resources to ensure students successfully adapt to their new environment.
  4. College Credit Opportunities:

    • Some components of the program  include opportunities for UAI students to earn college credits while still in high school, similar to other dual enrollment programs like College Now.


College Now

College Now is a collaborative program between the City University of New York (CUNY) and New York City public high schools. Through our partnership, UAI students have the opportunity to take college-level courses, earn college credits, and gain exposure to the academic and social aspects of college life while still in high school.

Key Features of College Now:

  • Eligibility: Typically, 11th and 12th-grade students are eligible to participate, though some campuses offer opportunities for 9th and 10th graders as well.
  • Courses Offered: The program includes a wide range of courses, such as English, math, science, humanities, social sciences, and career and technical education.
  • No Cost: The courses are free for students, which includes tuition, fees, and books.
  • College Credits: Students can earn college credits that may be applied toward a degree at CUNY or transferred to other institutions, depending on the college's transfer policies.
  • College Readiness: College Now courses are designed to help students develop the skills needed to succeed in college, such as critical thinking, writing, and time management.

Benefits of College Now:

  • Academic Preparation: Students get a head start on their college education, allowing them to adjust to the academic rigor of college-level courses.
  • Cost Savings: By earning college credits while still in high school, students can potentially reduce the time and money needed to complete a college degree.
  • Enhanced College Applications: Participation in College Now can strengthen a student's college application by demonstrating their ability to succeed in college-level work.
  • Support and Guidance: Students receive support from college faculty and staff, which can help them navigate the transition from high school to college.
Advanced Placement Courses at UAI
Placement (AP) courses at UAI (Urban Assembly Institute for Young Women) offer students the opportunity to take college-level coursework and potentially earn college credit while still in high school.
UAI Currently Offers 5 Humanities and STEM AP Classes: AP Literature, AP Language, AP Seminar, AP African American Studies and AP Pre-Calculus. You can learn more about UAI's AP Classes by CLICKING HERE
 BMCC Quantitative Reasoning and Statistics Courses

Trough our partnership with BMCC (Borough of Manhattan Community College), UAI students are able to take Quantitative Reasoning and Statistics for 3 college credit. These classes, in addition to providing free college credits upon completion are designed to enhance our students' mathematical and analytical skills.

BMCC Quantitative Reasoning Overview:

  • Quantitative Reasoning is a course focused on applying mathematical concepts to real-world problems. It emphasizes critical thinking and problem-solving skills through various mathematical techniques and applications.
  • Purpose: The course aims to help students use quantitative methods to make informed decisions and solve practical problems. It’s often a requirement for fulfilling general education or math requirements for various programs.

BMCC Statistics Overview:

  • Statistics is a course that covers the collection, analysis, interpretation, and presentation of data. It’s fundamental for understanding data-driven decision-making and research.
  • Purpose: The course provides students with the skills to analyze data, understand statistical results, and apply statistical methods to various fields, including social sciences, business, and natural sciences. It’s often required for students in programs that involve data analysis or research.
Columbia University Citizen Science program is an initiative designed to engage students, particularly at the undergraduate level, in the practice and understanding of science through a hands-on, interdisciplinary approach. UAI is currently developing our partnership with Columbia to bring this program to our high school students for the 2024-25 academic school year. Stay Tuned!